Download Penawaran harga Penyewaan alat parkir

Penawaran Harga Penyewaan Sistem Parkir

body { margin: 20px; } .container { padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px; } .header { text-align: center; } .content { margin-top: 20px; }

Penawaran Harga Penyewaan Sistem Parkir


Jl. Cijawura Girang III No. 2F-2G, Bandung

Telp. 022-87307853 | Email:

Kepada Yth:

Nomor Penawaran:


Perihal: Penawaran Harga Penyewaan Alat Parkir

Detail Harga Penyewaan:

Sistem Parkir Harga Jual (termasuk PPH) Harga Asli (tidak termasuk PPH)
SEMI CASHLESS Rp. 13.000.000 Rp. 11.500.000
SEMI MANLESS Rp. 8.500.000 Rp. 8.000.000
TAP & GO Rp. 12.500.000 Rp. 11.000.000
RFID ONLINE Rp. 6.500.000 Rp. 4.500.000
RFID OFFLINE Rp. 4.500.000 Rp. 4.000.000

Harga di atas adalah harga sewa bulanan dalam Rupiah.

Durasi sewa minimal 36 bulan.

Sistem BOT untuk penyewa 60 bulan.

Pembatalan kontrak dikenakan denda 50% dari sisa masa kontrak.

NB: Syarat dan ketentuan untuk penyewa harus dianalisa dan divalidasi terlebih dahulu.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut atau jika Bapak/Ibu memiliki pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di nomor telepon 022-87307853 atau melalui email

Hormat kami,

Bp Yoel Liem

function generatePDF() { const { jsPDF } = window.jspdf; const doc = new jsPDF(); const name = document.getElementById('nameInput').value;

// Generate random offer number const offerNumber = 'PN-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000).toString().padStart(6, '0');

// Get current date const date = new Date().toLocaleDateString('id-ID');

// Add the content doc.setFontSize(11); doc.text("Penawaran Harga Penyewaan Sistem Parkir", 10, 10); doc.setFontSize(10); doc.text("PT. MSM TIGA MATRA SATRIA", 10, 20); doc.text("Jl. Cijawura Girang III No. 2F-2G, Bandung", 10, 25); doc.text("Telp. 022-87307853 | Email:", 10, 30); doc.text("Kepada Yth: " + name, 10, 40); doc.text("Nomor Penawaran: " + offerNumber, 10, 45); doc.text("Tanggal: " + date, 10, 50); doc.text("Perihal: Penawaran Harga Penyewaan Alat Parkir", 10, 55);

doc.text("Detail Harga Penyewaan:", 10, 65); doc.autoTable({ head: [['Sistem Parkir', 'Harga Jual (termasuk PPH)', 'Harga Asli (tidak termasuk PPH)']], body: [ ['SEMI CASHLESS', 'Rp. 13.000.000', 'Rp. 11.500.000'], ['SEMI MANLESS', 'Rp. 8.500.000', 'Rp. 8.000.000'], ['TAP & GO', 'Rp. 12.500.000', 'Rp. 11.000.000'], ['RFID ONLINE', 'Rp. 6.500.000', 'Rp. 4.500.000'], ['RFID OFFLINE', 'Rp. 4.500.000', 'Rp. 4.000.000'] ], startY: 75, theme: 'striped', styles: { fontSize: 8 }, headStyles: { fontSize: 9 } });

doc.setFontSize(10); doc.text("Harga di atas adalah harga sewa bulanan dalam Rupiah.", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 10); doc.text("Durasi sewa minimal 36 bulan.", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 15); doc.text("Sistem BOT untuk penyewa 60 bulan.", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 20); doc.text("Pembatalan kontrak dikenakan denda 50% dari sisa masa kontrak.", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 25); doc.text("NB: Syarat dan ketentuan untuk penyewa harus dianalisa dan divalidasi terlebih dahulu.", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 35); doc.text("Untuk informasi lebih lanjut atau jika Bapak/Ibu memiliki pertanyaan,", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 45); doc.text("jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di nomor telepon 022-87307853 atau melalui email", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 50); doc.text("Hormat kami,", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 60); doc.text("Bp Yoel Liem", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 65);

// Save the PDF'Penawaran_Harga_Penyewaan_Sistem_Parkir.pdf'); }

Dalam bahasa inggris

Parking System Rental Price Offer

body { margin: 20px; } .container { padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px; } .header { text-align: center; } .content { margin-top: 20px; }

Parking System Rental Price Offer


Jl. Cijawura Girang III No. 2F-2G, Bandung

Phone: 022-87307853 | Email:


Offer Number:


Subject: Parking System Rental Price Offer

Rental Price Details:

Parking System Selling Price (including VAT) Original Price (excluding VAT)
SEMI CASHLESS Rp. 13,000,000 Rp. 11,500,000
SEMI MANLESS Rp. 8,500,000 Rp. 8,000,000
TAP & GO Rp. 12,500,000 Rp. 11,000,000
RFID ONLINE Rp. 6,500,000 Rp. 4,500,000
RFID OFFLINE Rp. 4,500,000 Rp. 4,000,000

The above prices are monthly rental prices in Rupiah.

The minimum rental duration is 36 months.

BOT system for 60 months rental.

Contract cancellation is subject to a penalty of 50% of the remaining contract period.

Note: The terms and conditions for the tenant must be analyzed and validated first.

For further information or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 022-87307853 or via email at

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Yoel Liem

function generatePDF() { const { jsPDF } = window.jspdf; const doc = new jsPDF(); const name = document.getElementById('nameInput').value;

// Generate random offer number const offerNumber = 'PN-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000).toString().padStart(6, '0');

// Get current date const date = new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-GB');

// Add the content doc.setFontSize(11); doc.text("Parking System Rental Price Offer", 10, 10); doc.setFontSize(10); doc.text("PT. MSM TIGA MATRA SATRIA", 10, 20); doc.text("Jl. Cijawura Girang III No. 2F-2G, Bandung", 10, 25); doc.text("Phone: 022-87307853 | Email:", 10, 30); doc.text("To: " + name, 10, 40); doc.text("Offer Number: " + offerNumber, 10, 45); doc.text("Date: " + date, 10, 50); doc.text("Subject: Parking System Rental Price Offer", 10, 55);

doc.text("Rental Price Details:", 10, 65); doc.autoTable({ head: [['Parking System', 'Selling Price (including VAT)', 'Original Price (excluding VAT)']], body: [ ['SEMI CASHLESS', 'Rp. 13,000,000', 'Rp. 11,500,000'], ['SEMI MANLESS', 'Rp. 8,500,000', 'Rp. 8,000,000'], ['TAP & GO', 'Rp. 12,500,000', 'Rp. 11,000,000'], ['RFID ONLINE', 'Rp. 6,500,000', 'Rp. 4,500,000'], ['RFID OFFLINE', 'Rp. 4,500,000', 'Rp. 4,000,000'] ], startY: 75, theme: 'striped', styles: { fontSize: 8 }, headStyles: { fontSize: 9 } });

doc.setFontSize(10); doc.text("The above prices are monthly rental prices in Rupiah.", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 10); doc.text("The minimum rental duration is 36 months.", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 15); doc.text("BOT system for 60 months rental.", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 20); doc.text("Contract cancellation is subject to a penalty of 50% of the remaining contract period.", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 25); doc.text("Note: The terms and conditions for the tenant must be analyzed and validated first.", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 35); doc.text("For further information or if you have any questions,", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 45); doc.text("please do not hesitate to contact us at 022-87307853 or via email at", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 50); doc.text("Yours sincerely,", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 60); doc.text("Mr. Yoel Liem", 10, doc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 65);

// Save the PDF'Parking_System_Rental_Price_Offer.pdf'); }

Draf Kontrak

Cooperation Contract

body { margin: 20px; } .container { padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px; } .header { text-align: center; } .content { margin-top: 20px; } .form-group { margin-bottom: 15px; } .form-group label { display: block; margin-bottom: 5px; } .form-group input, .form-group select { width: 100%; padding: 8px; box-sizing: border-box; } .form-group button { padding: 10px 15px; background-color: #28a745; color: #fff; border: none; cursor: pointer; } .form-group button:disabled { background-color: #ccc; }

Cooperation Contract

Select product typeSemi Cashless – Rp. 13,000,000/monthSemi Manless – Rp. 8,500,000/monthTap & Go – Rp. 12,500,000/monthRFID Online – Rp. 6,500,000/monthRFID Offline – Rp. 4,500,000/month

function validateForm() { const companyName = document.getElementById('companyName').value; const address = document.getElementById('address').value; const picName = document.getElementById('picName').value; const position = document.getElementById('position').value; const productType = document.getElementById('productType').value;

const isValid = companyName && address && picName && position && productType;

document.getElementById('downloadButton').disabled = !isValid; }

function generateRandomContractNumber() { return 'CN-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000).toString().padStart(6, '0'); }

document.getElementById('companyName').addEventListener('input', validateForm); document.getElementById('address').addEventListener('input', validateForm); document.getElementById('picName').addEventListener('input', validateForm); document.getElementById('position').addEventListener('input', validateForm); document.getElementById('productType').addEventListener('change', validateForm);

document.getElementById('contractNumber').value = generateRandomContractNumber();

function generatePDF() { const { jsPDF } = window.jspdf; const doc = new jsPDF();

const contractNumber = document.getElementById('contractNumber').value; const companyName = document.getElementById('companyName').value; const address = document.getElementById('address').value; const picName = document.getElementById('picName').value; const position = document.getElementById('position').value; const productType = document.getElementById('productType').value;

const productPrices = { "Semi Cashless": "Rp. 13,000,000/month", "Semi Manless": "Rp. 8,500,000/month", "Tap & Go": "Rp. 12,500,000/month", "RFID Online": "Rp. 6,500,000/month", "RFID Offline": "Rp. 4,500,000/month" };

const selectedProductPrice = productPrices[productType.split(' - ')[0]];

doc.setFontSize(12); doc.setFont("helvetica", "bold"); doc.text("COOPERATION CONTRACT", 105, 20, null, null, "center"); doc.setFontSize(10); doc.setFont("helvetica", "normal"); doc.text("Contract Number: " + contractNumber, 10, 30); doc.text("This Cooperation Contract is made and entered into by and between:", 10, 40);

doc.text("1. PT. MSM TIGA MATRA SATRIA", 10, 50); doc.text("Address: Jl. Cijawura Girang III No. 2F-2G, Bandung", 10, 55); doc.text("Represented by: Yopi Prima Agustian", 10, 60); doc.text("Position: President Director", 10, 65);

doc.text("2. " + companyName, 10, 75); doc.text("Address: " + address, 10, 80); doc.text("Represented by: " + picName, 10, 85); doc.text("Position: " + position, 10, 90);

doc.text("Both parties agree to cooperate under the following terms and conditions:", 10, 100);

// Contract contents doc.text("Article 1: Purpose", 10, 110); doc.text("The purpose of this cooperation is to establish a mutual understanding and agreement", 10, 115); doc.text("regarding the rental of " + productType.split(' - ')[0] + " parking system equipment by PT. MSM TIGA MATRA SATRIA to", 10, 120); doc.text(companyName + ".", 10, 125);

doc.text("Article 2: Duration", 10, 135); doc.text("The duration of this contract is for a minimum of 36 months, starting from the date", 10, 140); doc.text("of signing. The contract may be extended upon mutual agreement.", 10, 145);

doc.text("Article 3: Responsibilities", 10, 155); doc.text("PT. MSM TIGA MATRA SATRIA agrees to:", 10, 160); doc.text("a. Provide and install the parking system equipment.", 10, 165); doc.text("b. Ensure the equipment is in good working condition.", 10, 170);

doc.text(companyName + " agrees to:", 10, 175); doc.text("a. Pay the monthly rental fee of " + selectedProductPrice + ".", 10, 180); doc.text("b. Maintain the equipment in good condition.", 10, 185);

doc.text("Article 4: Payment", 10, 195); doc.text("Payments should be made to the following bank account:", 10, 200); doc.text("Bank: BCA", 10, 205); doc.text("Account Number: 8090081889", 10, 210); doc.text("Account Name: Yoel Yusnarto", 10, 215);

doc.text("Article 5: Late Payment Penalty", 10, 225); doc.text("In case of late payment, a penalty of 5% per month will be charged.", 10, 230);

doc.text("Article 6: Termination", 10, 240); doc.text("In the event of contract termination by either party, a penalty of 50% of the", 10, 245); doc.text("remaining contract period will be applied.", 10, 250);

doc.text("This contract is made in two copies, both of equal validity, and signed by both parties.", 10, 260);

doc.text("Bandung, " + new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-GB'), 10, 270);

doc.text("PT. MSM TIGA MATRA SATRIA", 10, 280); doc.text("Yopi Prima Agustian", 10, 285); doc.text("President Director", 10, 290);

doc.text(companyName, 120, 280); doc.text(picName, 120, 285); doc.text(position, 120, 290);

// Signature lines doc.line(10, 305, 60, 305); // Signature line for PT. MSM TIGA MATRA SATRIA doc.text("Signature", 10, 310);

doc.line(120, 305, 170, 305); // Signature line for the other party doc.text("Signature", 120, 310);'Cooperation_Contract.pdf'); }